Brian Peters, Head of Lower School
Time for some thinking and a little time travel. What do you remember about school? Do you conjure memories of a total experience or just have memories of isolated events?
What do students today think of school? Will they recall their total experience, or will they only remember certain events?
There are phrases like STUDENTS WILL NEVER REMEMBER THE WORKSHEET THEY DID IN 5TH PERIOD or I HOPE THE PILOT DIDN’T LEARN TO FLY THE PLANE FROM A WORKSHEET. These, of course, are negative connotations of what a school experience can be. What is a school experience? To me, it is that daily action of the day. It is not just the big events.
Our focus should be on the total school EXPERIENCE. It should be about making each day something that can be remembered. Of course, every day cannot be a big event, but every day can be special just by the way routines flow.
It is no surprise that happy children learn more. In fact, it should be known that happy teachers also teach better. How can we use this to our advantage? It can be done by working to create a culture and climate that promotes happiness in all. It can be done by connecting with all students and making their school day unique, personal, and special.
Shouldn’t the school environment be like this? Students are greeted in unique ways each and every morning. Lessons are taught in ways that are engaging and relevant for students. A pervasive atmosphere of happiness permeates the building. Teachers are happier. Students are engaged and excited about their learning.
I hope that all of this creates memories of a total school experience. Years from now, students will remember not just the big events, but the day-to-day activities that occur. If we can do that, we will have been successful in creating a school environment that is more than just memorable; it is most effective.