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Let’s Make it Count

Dr. Brian Peters, Head of Lower School
This week we returned from Spring Break.  At Chapel on Monday I told the students that there were 10 weeks remaining for this school year.  That’s a lot of time or not enough, depending on how you look at it.  Those days and weeks can drag on or they could fly by, depending on how you approach it.

Each year completed in school is a milestone that leads to the culmination of graduating as a senior.  We are quickly approaching that time of year when students begin looking ahead of where they presently are.  For our kindergarten students, they are looking at getting into a grade with a number attached, 1st grade.  The fourth graders are anticipating the end of their Lower School experience and moving on to Middle School.  On Monday, I reminded the students that we are not there yet.  There is still much to do and much to learn.  We have each and every day to learn more and improve what we currently can do.

I think we all know a song, This is the Day, that helps us to remember to be grateful for each day.

This is the day, this is the day
That the Lord has made, that the Lord has made
I will rejoice, I will rejoice
And be glad in it, and be glad in it

I want to add that we should not just be grateful for the day, but also be stingy with it.  There is much that can be accomplished in 10 weeks.  How many more books can be read?  How much proficiency can be gained with math facts?  What great interest can be discovered and nurtured with research?  How much personal development can be made toward being the best Trinity student possible?  

After all, history shows how much can be done in ten weeks. Columbus set sail on August 3rd and landed on an island in the Bahamas ten weeks later.  The same was true for the Pilgrims on the Mayflower, setting sail from England and landing near Cape Cod ten weeks later.  In 1978, the New York Yankees trailed the Red Sox by 14 games.  In the final ten weeks of the season, they went 52-21 to make up the difference.

The time is what we make of it.  Let’s make it count!

Trinity School of Midland

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