News Detail

Kicking off the Year

Tim Jones, Head of Upper School
As we draw close to the end of the first full week of school it is evident that this is going to be a great year to be a Charger. I’ve been really impressed by the positive energy of our students and faculty so far this school year. It’s nice to get back into the rhythm of school for all of us. Along with finding the rhythm, the start of the school year is an appropriate time to set goals for the school year.  In his book Legacy, by James Kerr, a leadership lesson of the famous New Zealand Rugby team, we are reminded to “Aim for the highest cloud, so if we miss we will hit a lofty mountain.” Along with our goals, it is important to build daily habits and follow the rhythm towards achievement. We’ve been discussing this in chapel this week and it is an important and timely message as we begin the year.

I know the news on cell phones was met with mixed emotions, but I wanted to share some anecdotal evidence of success with you. I've had teachers describe the productive mood of their classrooms being elevated from years past. And instead of seeing students with their faces glued to their screens all over campus I am seeing and hearing students talking, laughing, and interacting with one another in person instead of through a device. All good steps towards supporting the culture we want to promote for our students and for the teaching and learning environment on our campus.

I often share that we want the Trinity Upper School to be a place where every student is known, loved, challenged, and supported. If you find that your child’s experience is lacking in one of these areas please take time to visit with me. We also want to be the best partner to our families in their child’s educational journey.  

In that vein, I want to share a few dates with you all for planning purposes. We hope that you will make time to visit campus for our open house, and I hope that you will make note of these dates so that your child is available to be present and participate in these activities.

  • October 1st, 5:30 PM - Open House
  • October 9th, 8:45 AM - PSAT Administration 
  • October 21-26 - Homecoming Week
  • November 18 - 22 - Trimester 1 Exams
  • March 4 - 7 - Upper School Expeditionary Learning
    • 9th Grade - The Human Legacy, New Mexico
    • 10th Grade - Personal Futures, 
    • 11th Grade - Camp Eagle, Rocksprings, TX
    • 12th Grade - Life 101 on Campus

Expeditionary learning is an important component of the Trinity School experience.  As a school, we value these experiences and build them into our academic calendar.  Therefore, participation is expected. Expeditionary Learning is a powerful tool that we use to enrich the everyday experience for the students at Trinity School. All of these experiences afford the participants the opportunity to grow as individuals, to build self-confidence, and to learn to take calculated risks. Expeditionary Learning allows students to build deeper relationships with their peers and the adults who guide them. These activities help students build trust and a stronger sense of belonging to their community. Along the way, students also pick up skills and strategies that will remain with them throughout their lifelong learning journey.

All the best,

Timothy A. Jones, M.Ed.
Head of Upper School


Trinity School of Midland

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