Our Educational Philosophy and Religious Identity
Excellence in academics at Trinity School is rooted in building the potential of each child through an academic culture which values creativity, critical thinking, and perseverance. Through excellent instruction, development of solid foundational skills, and opportunities to create and apply knowledge, Trinity School provides an environment where children learn, grow, and become a positive transforming influence. Trinity creates lifelong learners prepared for college and life beyond in a world not yet defined. Trinity School values a challenging academic environment that also focuses on developing students’ personal maturity and emotional intelligence through their experiences on and off campus. Trinity aims to better the world by equipping students to influence the future. Trinity School is an independent school in the Episcopal tradition, committed to daily Chapel services for all students. Trinity School seeks to follow Jesus’ commandment to love one another. Its values are based on the Episcopal Church’s baptismal covenant to “strive for justice and peace, and to respect the dignity of every human being.” Recognizing the wide range of faiths among the student body and in keeping with the Episcopal Church’s teaching, Trinity does not require students, parents, or employees to subscribe to or sign any statement of faith. Trinity invites all people to share in the spiritual life of the community but requires no one to accept any specific doctrine or principle. As an independent school, Trinity is not owned, controlled, or funded by another body such as a religious organization. Trinity is accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS) and is a member of National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS).