News Detail

Trinity Chess vs Fasken

Scott Ohlman
Trinity remained undefeated against a tough Fasken chess team.  Our top tree boards of Ollie Mathewson, Ewan MacDonald, and Juaquin Gill again set the tone by beating the top three boards of Fasken in all three rounds.  In total, we had 26 players participate this week, and 11 of them went undefeated.  Sixth grader Akeri Amarasena was one of the undefeated today.  She had the pregame jitters, but she ended up with one of her best performances of the season.
Other undefeated by grade were:
5th: Micah Griffin, Tonny Patrick, and Ivan Mouget
4th: Chase Johnson, Nicolas Gan, and Sterling Wohlfahrt
3rd: Ty Waters
One game in particular that caught my eye today was Ewan MacDonald’s last game.  He got down to a pretty even end game with his opponent (just pawns and a bishop each).  Then the bishops got traded off, and like Magnus, he confidently pushed his pawns to queen before his opponent.  Who needs queens, rooks, bishops or knights when you can just promote a pawn!
Our next two opponents are the toughest of the season: Homeschoolers, and Carver.  We need all our top players available for those games in particular.  If you were a past player, and want to come back to the chess club, please come to practice next Tuesday.
Final score: Trinity 55; Fasken 21


Trinity School of Midland

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