Upper School News

College Advising Update

Sarah Kramer and Tim Jones
College Conversations: The Admission Landscape in 2025

We are excited to share that Trinity will host the second annual College Conversations: The Admission Landscape in 2025 on Thursday, January 30.

This night – open to all Trinity parents – will be a frank discussion about the college admission landscape. We will touch on how college admissions has changed, how Trinity students fare in holistic review, and the value of an independent school education. 

Our event begins at 6:00 p.m. (please note time change) in The Commons. Students in grades 9-11 meet with our guests during their advisory to learn more about college admissions. 

Alumni Connections
A group of Trinity alumni joined the faculty and staff for lunch Tuesday, January 7 and Charger graduates served on a panel for current students on Thursday, January 9. It is always a privilege to connect with our alumni, welcome them back to campus, and hear their insight into what a Trinity student can expect in college. They shared great advice, applicable to both the student and parent experience. Specifically, they mentioned that there is no such thing as too much communication with parents after moving on to college, that you will find your people wherever you go, and that they are thankful for their Trinity experience because they were prepared to succeed in their college classes.

Our most recent alumni from the class of 2024 also recently shared some written advice with our current juniors and seniors.

Advice for juniors beginning their college search:

Answered by Quinton Klingensmith: “I would recommend that juniors starting their college search take some time to reflect on what they personally want in a college. It's important to focus on their own desires, not just what they think their parents expect. Use those personal priorities as a filter in the search process to find colleges that meet their criteria.

I hope this message helps students understand that the college experience is personal, and it's important to search for a place that aligns with their own desires, rather than chasing prestige or the idea of a school based on its football team or reputation.”

Answered by Lance Robertston: “Figure out what majors and programs you are interested in before thinking about particular universities. Once you know, or have an idea, of what you want to study, find the schools that offer the best programs for that.” 

Advice for current seniors about making their final college choice:

Answered by Ezekial Bajomo: “As someone who spent significant time weighing multiple viable options, I found that it is essential to take the time to reflect deeply on the key aspects that you seek to derive from the college experience – whether it is preparation for a specific career, social opportunities, or intellectual growth. Pay close attention to the factors that will most influence your happiness such as distance from home, weather, academic rigor, and the overall ‘vibe’ of the student body; don't be afraid to trust your gut and lean into a natural inclination toward certain schools.”

Class of 2026
Junior Conferences begin Monday and will take place the weeks of January 27 and February 10. During a 45-minute session, the students and parents hear an overview of the college application process so that we have a shared language and context as we go into the next 15 months, culminating with each student’s post-Trinity plan. 

The heart of the Trinity college advising philosophy is fit. The college match means different things to different people; this is normal. Ultimately, we will have discussions about where students see themselves thriving and what path they need to take to achieve personal and professional goals. 

Ongoing communication is highly valued in the college admission process. We feel strongly about the partnership required during these pre-college days and thank you for your support.

Class of 2025
Seniors are continuing to hear news from colleges. Trinity students are finishing their college applications, and all students will receive responses from their applications on or before April 1. They then have until May 1 to make their final post-Trinity plan. As of this writing, 100 percent of the seniors who have applied to college have one or more acceptance, and a quarter of the class has enrolled in the college of their choice.   

Reminder: if you are applying for financial assistance, the CSS Profile and FAFSA deadlines are either looming or passed. Each college where your child has applied outlines its financial aid process on its website. You will also be able to find a Net Price Calculator, which will outline the anticipated cost of attendance for your family.

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