Mande Gragg
Assistant Middle School Band Director
Mande Gragg serves as Assistant Middle School Band Director at Trinity School of Midland. Mrs. Gragg began teaching in Midland in 2005 and has since served as a clarinet teacher, performing musician, band director, clinician, and adjudicator throughout the West Texas Permian Basin. Currently, Mrs. Gragg also serves as an Adjunct Instructor of Clarinet for the University of Texas Permian Basin and Odessa College. She maintains a private clarinet studio while performing as Bass Clarinetist for the West Texas Symphony Orchestra.
Mande is a fifth-generation ranching family Texan from Sterling City and earned her Bachelor of Music degree from Angelo State University in 2005. She is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Music Education through Tarleton State University. Mande and her husband, Dustin, have two boys who attend Trinity School, Wesley and Garrett, as well as Henry the Texas cattle dog, and Hazel the corgi.